Beef Pastry Recipe Beef Pie Recipe

This Steak  Pie  with puff pastry recipe has everything you demand in a comfort food meat pie. Tasty home cooked beef and rich gravy.

Easy Steak pie with puff pastry and rich gravy

It's cold outside and is in that location anything more comforting than a pie?

This Steak Pie recipe is filled with meltingly soft and tender beefiness, rich tasty gravy and topped with crunchy puff pastry.

Even better, it'southward super easy to make (easy, non quick, only inappreciably any 'easily on' cooking time, then let's forgive it okay?)

Serve this for a midweek treat or a Sunday dejeuner. Leftovers are so skillful too.

You lot'll beloved this Easy Steak Pie recipe considering:

✅ Great for batch cooking, eat one and freeze ane.
✅ Really easy to make simplylooks so impressive.
✅ The ultimate comfort food meal. 😍

Uncooked beef pie ready for the oven

How do you make a Steak Pie?

I've simplified this recipe lots recently to brand information technology easy to serve as a midweek repast.

Yous but fry off your beef, add veggies.

Then add flour and stock to brand a sauce. Top with pastry and our Beef Pie is ready to be baked.

What type of beef should I apply to brand a pie?

Whatsoever type of beef for slow cooking is suitable for this recipe. This is often sold as 'Stewing Steak', 'Braising Steak' or too Chuck Steak would piece of work well here.

Can I utilise shortcrust pastry for a Meat Pie?

Yes. I've used a puff pastry top hither but you can utilise shortcrust pastry. It will have more crunch than a Puff Pastry Meat Pie.

If you use shortcrust pastry you lot can also line the bottom of the dish before adding your filling. (Some people consider this the just way to make a true pie!)

If you exercise desire to brand a pie with a base, peak tip: Every bit you warm up your oven, put a blistering tray in to heat up, so when y'all put your pie in the oven, sit the dish on elevation of the hot baking tray. I find that this actually helps to cook the base of operations of the Steak Pie and stop a soggy bottom.

Easy steak pie recipe with puff pastry and rich gravy

Puff pastry steak pie recipe and gravy

Hope you savour this recipe as much equally we do. I'd love to know how yous got on and what you thought of it if you make this recipe. Please rate the recipe using the ⭐️ past the recipe.

Also, if you'd similar to show me a photograph by tagging me on Instagram (@tamingtwins) I Love to run across your creations.

Easy steak pie recipe with puff pastry and rich gravy

Steak Pie - Really Like shooting fish in a barrel Recipe with Puff Pastry and Rich Gravy

ThisSteak Pie recipe has everything y'all demand in a comfort food pie. Tasty dwelling cooked meat, delicious gravy and light fluffy pastry topping.

Prep Fourth dimension xv minutes

Melt Time three hours

Total Fourth dimension ane hr

Servings half dozen People

Calories 552 kcal

For the pie filling

  • ane tbsp Oil See Annotation one.
  • 700 g Stewing beefiness See Note 2.
  • 2 Big onion Peeled and chopped into big chunks (Run across Note 3).
  • 4 Carrots Peeled and chopped (Encounter notation 4).
  • 50 k Obviously flour
  • ii tbsp Tomato puree
  • Salt and black pepper
  • 600 ml Beef stock (See notation five)

For the pie

  • 320 grand Puff pastry sheet (Encounter note half-dozen)
  • i Egg Browbeaten
  1. Heat your oil in a big frying pan or bucket and add the beef. Melt for about 5 - 10 minutes until merely starting to turn chocolate-brown.

  2. Add in the vegetables and cook for a farther 5 minutes until they showtime to soften.

  3. Add together the flour and stir through everything, cook for 5 minutes.

  4. Add together the love apple puree, salt and pepper and stock. Popular the hat on and melt on a very low heat for nigh ii hours or until the beefiness is very soft.

  5. NB: Keep an center on the beef as it cooked, stir it well occassionally and if it looks similar at that place is not plenty liquid, don't be afraid to add a footling more stock or h2o.

  6. Spoon into a pie dish and get out to cool for at least 30 minutes if you have time.

  7. Smooth the pastry over the top of the filling.

  8. Decorate the pie with cut out shapes if you lot experience that style inclined and brush with the beaten egg.

  9. When you lot are ready to bake the pie, preheat the oven to 220C and bake for about 30 minutes until the filling is hot throughout and the pastry is crisp and golden.

Note one - Oil
Any oil other than extra virgin is fine. Olive oil or sunflower oil are perfect.

Note 2 - Beef
Yous need to use a beef suitable for slow cooking, this is often sold as 'Stewing Steak' or 'Braising Steak'

Note 3 - Onions
I often utilize pre-chopped onions simply I don't here. The onions are ameliorate in quite big chunks and so that they go on their shape whilst they melt as they will be bubbling away for so long.

Annotation iv - Carrots
Again, keep these in quite large chunks as they will be cooking for a long time with the beef.

Annotation v - Beef Stock
Stock made with a cube is admittedly fine.

Note 6 - Puff Pastry
As mentioned in the mail above, if you prefer a pie with a base, go right alee and utilize two sheets of pastry. Just be sure to cook it so the bottom is crispy and cooked through.

Nutrition Facts

Steak Pie - Really Easy Recipe with Puff Pastry and Rich Gravy

Amount per Serving

% Daily Value*

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie nutrition.


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