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So, every bit you tin meet, the new E89 BMW Z4 takes a large stride in its new styling. It features very like designs from the updated 2009 3-Series and the new F-serial seven. I dear information technology! I retrieve it's a fantastic manner for BMW to become in this department. The interior has an even nicer build quality await than the previous model.

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I like how the interior deploys a dissimilar look and feel than the current models offered by BMW. Ane thing BMW does, similarly to most automakers, they seem to use very similar interior styling. Non that information technology bothers me, information technology's just always nice to become into a Z4 and see that it has nothing really in common with a 5-Series. Now, if you get into a 5er and a 3er and encounter that there are similar placements of the buttons, that's fine, because they serve like purposes.

Whereas cars similar the Z4, 6er and 7'due south serve the purpose of being the BMW'due south for different clients. The Z4 is the customer that wants a traditional sports auto. The half-dozen-Series is the person that wants the upscale BMW in a coupe mode. Basically a coupe 7. The seven, well, do I take to explicate why people buy the 7? I didn't actually think so.

The one matter that I do love about BMW, and especially when I talk to the customer advisors, the fancy way of calling them salesman, or when I talk to the production managers and such, they all seem to say the same thing without mistake, BMW is sport starting time, and everything else second. I dearest that attitude. Information technology'south nearly the driver and his or her needs, not all of the fancy stuff they can accept. They can have it in at that place likewise, if they so please. They just need to click the pick box on that one.

But information technology'due south what makes a BMW a BMW. There is no BMW that is derived more on luxury than it is sport. That's non what the company has been nearly in its long history. BMW is a company, like Porsche and Ferrari, that needs no new business program. They've had pretty much the same one since the beginning, and while they may tweak information technology hither and there, information technology still drives toward the same balance of customer satisfaction through motorsports.

Merely, back to what I was talking near before. The new Z4 is an fantabulous of BMW tweaking things here and there, but keeping the overall principle. A small 2-door, 2-seat car with traditional motives of sports auto abilities and functions, with the right amount of luxury and applied science fatigued in.

Ane thing that I do not like about whatever of the new BMW's is this push button park restriction feature. What in the hell is this? Why can't I have my due east-restriction to pull whenever I need to? I want to be able to pull in e-brake in the result of an emergency, or the event I desire, or need, to help enable a good, clean powerslide, or drift as the new kids call information technology. Sometimes you desire to add a little opposite lock into your daily driving, am I incorrect?

Well, at least that's for those of u.s. who can exercise it and not kill someone, because we're immature and need to learn when not to exist stupid on the roads. That ways, don't ever be stupid. Be smart, drive safely, because you never know, the person who'due south life you may exist saving, could be mine…

I tin can't terminate on a downward notation about the new Z4. Information technology volition sure be one hell of an machine. I tin can't wait to get one from BMW and put it through its paces. I just hope it has a manual and is a dissimilar color than the champagne they seem to love to utilise to show in their pictures.

BMW, if you're reading, PLEASE, give united states the new twin-turbo V8 with a new Z4 Chiliad!!! I tin can't stress enough how keen the last Z4 K was. I've driven a Z4 One thousand coupe on so many occasions. It made my centre pump every bit hard as the times I've driven the new E90/E92 M3. And, if you lot know me, that'southward saying a lot! Give us an ///One thousand. Please, as well give us a defended coupe. I dearest the hardtop convertible feature, but I, personally, would rather have a coupe.

Article past Josh from RawAutos.com